Wear it loud
for kids with
hearing loss
Friday 18th October
Raised in 2023
Total Fundraisers
![Loud shirts.](/images/loud-shirts.png)
How it works
Get loud in any way you like – as a family, at work, with your
friends and community group or at school, the opportunities are
Here’s how…
![A hand waving.](/images/step-icon-wave.png)
Register with the Centre of your choice and create your Loud Shirt Day fundraising page.
![A hand waving.](/images/step-icon-donate.png)
Share your fundraising page with family and friends and ask them to support you and the cause.
![A hand waving.](/images/step-icon-shirt.png)
Wear it loud!
On Friday 18th October, get LOUD and celebrate the achievements of children with hearing loss!
DEAFMETAL® supplies unique accessories and jewellery for hearing aids, cochlear implants plus headpieces and is proud to be the national sponsor for Loud Shirt Day 2024
Visit deafmetalau.com![A kid with a fun hearing aid accessory from Deafmetal, with Deafmetal's logo beneath.](/images/deafmetal_sponsor.png)
Your impact
Your support will provide children with hearing loss the resources they need to connect, communicate and thrive!
Kids with hearing loss can achieve anything. Thank you for helping them reach their full potential.
![Drawings of shirts with images of kids within them.](/images/impact-shirts.png)